da série: ninguém perguntou, mas eu vou responder (em homenagem à nerda) -> depois de mto choro, soluços, desabafos e tudo mais, estou melhor sim.
do estrago de minas de 29 de outubro desse ano (que foi " " aquela noite) ainda - mas só hj eu li:
"Os grandes laboratórios de medicamentos estão ganhando mais do que os traficantes. E sem risco nenhum. Metade das pesquisas neurofisiológicas são financiadas por eles para fazer mais pilulazinhas mágicas. É bom ou mau? Para quem está deprimido, ansioso, fora de si ou com pressa, é ótimo que exista remédio. É bom para aliviar o mal de quem está sofrendo. Mas é tapa-buraco, tira você da briga. O uso de psicotrópicos, que são os tóxicos legais, tem a mesma função dos ilegais. Isto é: como a vida está ruim, tento me aliviar com qualquer coisa, maconha, cocaína, Prozac, ansiolítico. Existe pouca diferença entre as drogas."
(entrevista do psiquiatra josé ângelo gaiarsa ao walter sebastião. para os dois: f.o.c.ó.f.i. com todas as forças.)
e por falar nisso, watch the new ad.
pq a kate moss é a kate moss.
e viva a sharon stone!
sábado, dezembro 31, 2005
quarta-feira, dezembro 21, 2005
terça-feira, dezembro 20, 2005
encontro pré-natal de luluzinhas termina em exploração de bolinha
da redação
algumas furaram, muitas foram. na verdade o evento, mais uma vez organizado pela rp do ano e realizado com a colaboração da anfitriã do ano, foi um sucesso. música boa, conversa boa, pão de queijo, torradinha, pizza e pastinhas veggies (a anfitriã do ano até ficou comovida...) além de, é claro, fumaça, muita (será???) cerveja, vinho, vodka, rum e qsps.
mas, assim como a vida, uma hora tudo acabou. só restaram o catálogo e vários telefones. e três lulus lindas, com mta cara de pau e um pouquinho burras, tadinhas. elas se esqueceram de que moram em bhville, local onde nada - n.a.d.a. - acontece nem funciona, principalmente numa segunda feira às quase 2h de terça.
foi então que as trigêmeas se uniram e gritaram: cara de pau, ativar!
para preservar a identidade das quase balzacas, que preferem não revelar seus nomes, vamos chamá-las de blondie, brunette e redhead.
blondie precisava desesperadamente de '3 cervejinhas e 1 maço de cigarro'. enquanto brunette tentava distraí-la, redhead começou a ligar para pessoas. e ficou profundamente irritada ao perceber que n.a.d.a. acontece em bhville simplesmente pq os habitantes da província dormem e desligam seus celulares.
quando já não restavam esperanças, qdo inês estava agonizando, a última opção, aquela a quem se deve recorrer somente em casos extremamente impossíveis, atendeu ao telefone.
enquanto blondie e brunette tinham uma crise de riso, redhead tentava explicar a situação ao bolinha.
finalmente, o bolinha chega. com vááárias cervejas e um maço de cigarro. só assim blondie sossegou e foi dormir, enqto brunette e redhead faziam jus aos títulos conquistados durante o ano.
... passa tempo, tic tac, tic tac, passa hora...
e o bolinha foi embora, não sem antes dar carona a blondie e brunette, é claro. se é pra explorar, que seja por completo. e sem recompensa. senão não é exploração, não é mesmo, minha gente?
Postado por fernanda às 10:54 AM 1 comentários
domingo, dezembro 18, 2005
tem que haver alguma lei que proíba os patrões de obrigarem os funcionários a usar essas touquinhas de papai-noel.
a caixa do supermercado disse que é o maior mico e, ainda por cima, esquenta a cabeça.
se eu descobrir a lei, volto lá pra mostrar pra ela.
é mta sacanagem.
adoro telefonemas de madrugada.
principalmente alterada.
antes que eu sofra de l.e.r., vou sair do computador por hj.
Postado por fernanda às 9:05 PM 0 comentários
no original, francês - serge gainsbourg.
e na versão em português, do seu jorge.
Chatterton suicidé
Hannibal suicidé
Démosthène suicidé
Fou à lier
Quant à moi...
Quant à moi
Ça ne va plus très bien
Chatterton suicidé
Cléopâtre suicidé
Isocrate suicidé
Fou à lier
Quant à moi...
Quant à moi
Ça ne va plus très bien
Chatterton suicidé
Marc-Antoine suicidé
Van Gogh suicidé
Fou à lier
Quant à moi...
Quant à moi
Ça ne va plus très bien
Chatterton, suicidou
Kurt Cobain, suicidou
Vargas, suicidou
Nietzsche, enlouqueceu
E eu, não vou nada bem
Chatterton, suicidou
Cléopatra, suicidou
Socrates, suicidou
Goya, enlouqueceu
E eu, não vou nada nada bem
Chatterton, suicidou
Marc-Antoine, suicidou
Van Gogh, suicidou
Schumann, enlouqueceu
E eu, puta que pariu, não vou nada bem ...
se alguém ainda lê isso aqui e tiver interesse nas músicas, é só pedir.
já adianto que a original é muuuuuuito melhor.
Postado por fernanda às 1:40 PM 0 comentários
sexta-feira, dezembro 16, 2005
The Wikipedia War
A recent high-profile dispute over the user-written encyclopedia's veracity has the site rethinking some of its rules.
By Eric Hellweg
In 1728, Ephraim Chambers, a mapmaker in London, published the Cyclopaedia -- the first encyclopedia to include cross references. Almost 275 years later, Wikipedia, the online, user-created encyclopedia, is championed for its volunteer model and its elaborate system of cross-referencing and verifications. But the Wikipedia model has had a rough couple of weeks -- ever since the mainstream media jumped on the story of Robert F. Kennedy confidante John Seigenthaler’s outrage at false information posted in his Wikipedia entry.
The concept of Wikipedia -- and the general idea of "wikis," or user-edited Web pages -- is notable because it embodies one of the key cultural movements of the decade. Called Web 2.0, it's the notion that the Internet should be fueled by user-generated content -- blogs, wikis, podcasts, and user-created add-ons to programs such as Google Maps and Firefox. The desire of people to contribute online content is as old as the medium itself; now software improvements and broadband adoption make it easier than ever. With the tools for content creation in the hands of single individuals, not just companies and institutions, Web 2.0 means a more democratic Internet, and a truer voice, or at least a broader one.
“When people think of Web 2.0, they’re thinking of Wikipedia,” says Larry Sanger, a co-founder of Wikipedia, who's no longer with the enterprise and currently involved in a new online encyclopedia project.
But the Web 2.0 concept, and Wikipedia itself, still have some growing up to do. In part because of the Seigenthaler flap, Wikipedia is going through a very public coming-of-age. “The last two weeks, it’s been hard to get any work done,” says Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia and president of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
At the heart of the issue is a problem that many startups would kill to have: overwhelming interest in their product. In 2001, Sanger predicted that, with a little luck, Wikipedia would have 80,000 articles by 2008. The site currently has more than 850,000 in English alone. Throw in 200 other world languages, and the total rises to 3.7 million.
Wikipedia was founded with a radical premise: thousands of enthusiastic volunteers would scan the entries regularly, ensuring that they remained truthful -- or at least not erroneous for very long. In addition to being reviewed by the general public, Wikipedia articles would also be vetted by administrators and “page watchers.”
That's exactly what has come about. But with the huge proliferation of Wikipedia entries, as well as the built-in ability for anyone to contribute to the site, the occasional vandal has appeared -- and gone undetected for too long.
Evidently, the motive for encyclo-vandalism is sometimes just humor. According to a report in the New York Times, the contributor who entered false information about Seigenthaler (claiming he'd played a role in Robert Kennedy's assassination) was playing a joke on some friends. Since then, the perpetrator, Brian Chase, who was ferreted out, has apologized to Seigenthaler, who accepted his apology.
I tested the Wikipedia correction process while reporting for this article. After logging on, without giving an e-mail address, I edited the entry dedicated to musician Tom Waits. In a section on the artist in the 1990s, I wrote that Waits had played a concert with Elvis Costello, Elvis Presley, and Mr. Ed (the talking horse). Within 24 hours, the Presley and Mr. Ed references were removed, but the Elvis Costello citation -- also false, but not as glaringly so -- remained.
There are real, perhaps inevitable weaknesses in Wikipedia's system. But the Siegenthal ordeal seems to have unleashed a disproportionate number of Wikipedia critics. News site Official Wire, run by Baou.com, is now posting stories that allege “Nazi-style behavior” among Wikipedia contributors and editors.
And this week, a site called WikipediaClassAction.org went live, soliciting feedback and, more significantly, instances of monetary damages caused by Wikipedia. Their goal is to launch a class-action lawsuit against the site. When I called the phone number listed on that site, the person who answered refused to give his name, then rattled off a long series of allegations against Wikipedia. The charges felt specious to me, and were quite vitriolic.
A quick piece of sleuthing turned up a likely explanation: Baou.com also runs an organization called QuakeAid, the Wikipedia entry for which cites some questionable circumstances surrounding the organization and its founders. Furthermore, some of the anti-Wikipedia articles found on Official Wire are written by “Jennifer Monroe,” the same name listed as having registered the domain WikipediaClassAction.org.
Although Baou's actions imply a multi-pronged revenge campaign, some anti-Wikipedians appear to have more reasonable complaints. Daniel Brandt, the man behind wikipedia-watch.org (and also Google-watch.org), says that until Wikipedia drops its policy of allowing anonymous posts and edits, the quality of the site will suffer. “For research purposes you ought to be able to find [authors],” he says.
But Brandt, too, has a personal reason to be upset with Wikipedia. He admits his opposition to the site came after he learned that it included a page about him with links he considered unflattering. Brandt was a prominent draft resister in the 1960s.
Now Wikipedia president Wales has enacted a policy that requires users to log in before creating new articles. However, since there’s no e-mail address required to do so, anyone can make up a name and create an article without a way to verify their identity.
In any case, Wales insists that the vast majority of the articles on the site are correct, and that anonymity isn’t the issue. Still, he's working on other measures aimed at eliminating the possibility of false information being added.
One is a “holding zone,” where contentious information or topics -- those prone to vandalization -- can be queued for review before going live. Another is a community-based rating system, scheduled to go live on January 1, 2006. Wales says he’s also considering soliciting experts to submit ratings on articles, to see how those ratings jibe with the community’s.
A couple of years ago, Wales suggested to the Wikipedia board that they adopt a “real name” policy, similar to Amazon.com’s review system. At Amazon, anyone can review a book; but after the site was hit with allegations that authors were writing glowing reviews of their own books and slamming competitors’ works, Amazon decided that giving people the option to use their real names -- and having Amazon certify it with a “Real Name” logo beneath it -- would lend credibility. The Wikipedia board rejected the idea a few years ago; but today Wales thinks “anything’s possible.”
Others with experience allowing masses of people to create content say some policing is necessary to prevent chaos and to ensure the validity of information. Today, Rich Skrenta is CEO of Topix.net, a news-gathering site that just launched a citizen’s journalism effort, where visitors can write news stories that pertain to their interests. Prior to founding Topix, though, Skrenta was a founder of DMOZ.com, a community-created site directory, where 60,000 "editors" index sites and write site descriptions.
“We had issues where editors were being bribed to write good reviews and spammers tried to get in, so we had to develop a fairly sophisticated set of policies to keep this running,” Skrenta says. “With our new project we have both social and technical designs to facilitate good information. They’re patrolled, monitored, and managed.”
Would a stricter log-in process have stopped me from falsifying the Tom Waits page? Probably not; I was under deadline and knew I'd change it back. But for the few visitors who come to the site with a casual ill intent, it might.
Skrenta puts the Wikipedia situation into some perspective: “Our citizen journalism effort doesn’t have any problems yet because it doesn’t have any traffic. When people are corrupting entries, that’s a problem you only have when you’ve succeeded.”
If Wikipedia wants to become the trusted, open-source repository of all the world’s knowledge -- and it probably does -- it may have to adopt some of the successful tactics of Amazon and others who have gone before it.
Postado por fernanda às 3:31 PM 0 comentários
quinta-feira, dezembro 08, 2005
eu sou boy.
e relapsa.
Festival Antichristmass Fest 2005
¿Te agobian tantas lucecitas por la calle? ¿Darías un par de tortas a los grupitos de cretinos que pasean con un gorrito de Papá Noel? Si, la Navidad está aquí, y yo te comprendo querid@ rebelde... Pero no te angusties, no todo es malo en estas fechas, no pasa nada por que cada año el único gordo que toques sea el de tu barriguita maltrecha... Antichrismass Fest vuelve en su segunda edición para hacer relucir lo mejor del metal del underground madrileño con los conciertos de: DAWN OF TEARS, SPIRITUAL INTERVENTION, KUTURLAT, WESTFALLENPARK y WOLFEN CROSS . Y el Domingo más: LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER, UNDEFINED, HYBRID y DISTURBANCE PROJECT.
913 552 800


Postado por fernanda às 9:00 PM 0 comentários