segunda-feira, dezembro 13, 2004

em forma de poodle:




outro filme que eu quero mto ver, mas tava com preguiça de escrever antes, é o funny games, de 97. que aqui no brasil ganhou o título sem graça (e que entrega o ouro) de 'violência gratuita'. o diretor, alemão, se chama michael haneke (mais). o filme:

É o começo das férias. Anna, Georg e seu filho pequeno partem para uma bela casa à beira de um lago. Fred e Eva, os vizinhos, já chegaram. Tudo está tranqüilo. Enquanto Georg e o menino se ocupam com o barco, Anna é surpreendida pela chegada de Peter, rapaz que aparentemente está hospedado na casa dos vizinhos. Ele precisa de ovos para preparar o café da manhã. Logo em seguida, Paul, amigo de Peter, entra em cena. A partir daí começa um jogo de perversão e violência que parece não ter fim. (fonte)


e por falar nisso, um texto do sensor impact:

Objects of Violence

Now that its clear that General El-Busho will be remain at his throne for another four years, we at Si decided to continue on our earlier thread on the subversion of objects with one that focuses solely on objects that either subverts a violent one by playing with its perceived function or vice versa:

Ever felt like shooting the tube? Well, First up is Onkar Singh Kular's TV remote that's shaped like a gun. It was part of an installation titled "The Democratisation of Fame" where he focused on the instant celebrity promised by reality TV.

The installation included "a red carpet; a chair with an angled arm meant to simulate a car door, so the user could practice leaving a limo".

Not the very friendliest Ice mould, this conceptual piece by a student at Central Sant Martins, is a DIY murder kit with which you could freeze yourself an Ice Knife, and then let it melt after you kill your victim, so that you would leave no fingerprints or weapons at the crime scene. A polystyrene case would keep the knife frozen for up to 24 hours. No word on whether we'd see this soon in Wal-Mart. :D

A modified (non commercial) Hello Kitty bot by a Ms. Katherine. No additional information, but too adorable to ignore.

For those long lost relatives that you hope will remain lost, here's the perfect gift - Titled "Loved Ones", Elske van der Putten's graduation project (via reluct) is a ceramic grenade packaged in a luxury gift box.

And finally,

If Disney ever sold security, they would commission designer Mattias Megyeri who puts a friendly face on safety with his razor wire woven with butterflies, flower-petal security box frames, teddy bear-shaped locks, and bunny-rabbit ears and whiskers for CCTV cameras.


e mais 3 sites sobre design na coluna ao lado ->
(um é dica do querido leitor, os outros eu achei não sei como)


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